Engystol®. Your antiviral immune booster


Effective against colds and flu-like infections

Engystol® is an effective medicine that has been shown to have a dual mode of action that boosts your immune system and together with its antiviral activity fights off flu-like infections and colds.

✓ From first signs of a cold

✓ Natural ingredients

✓ Well tolerated

✓ For the whole family


Engystol® stimulates and strengthens your immune system so it can mount a more effective defense. A study points to Engystol® reducing the length and severity of colds and flu as well as delaying the onset of new cases. In fact, over 88% of people suffering from a flu or cold have found that Engystol® improved their symptoms within the first week of treatment.


Engystol® contains only natural ingredients. Studies have shown it to be effective and very well tolerated by people of all ages. Doctors have reported "excellent" to "good" tolerability of the medication for 97% of patients.


A study points to Engystol® shortening the course of flu-like infections and colds. Engystol® increases the number and activity of scavenger cells, called phagocytes that clear the virus from the respiratory tract – and therefore reduce the inflammatory response.

For the whole family

Engystol® boosts your immune system and fights off flu-like infections and colds. And as a natural medication it’s suitable for the whole family.


Natural at its core

Engystol® stimulates the body's initial defense mechanisms and, in this way, helps to overcome the cold at an early stage. This is ensured, among other things, by the natural ingredients Swallowwort (Vincetoxicum hirundinaria) and Sulfur. 


Swallowwort, also called Vincetoxicum hirundinaria, has an anti-inflammatory and supporting effect on the immune system.


Sulfur acts against the inflammation of the mucous membranes, mainly found in the throat at the beginning of a cold.

Engystol® - your antiviral immune booster

- say good-bye to cold viruses -

How Engystol® works

Engystol® is an effective medicine that has been shown to have a dual effect that boosts your immune system and together with its antiviral activity fights off flu-like infections and colds:

Studies have shown that Engystol® does the following in your body: 

  • Increases the number and activity of scavenger cells, called phagocytes that remove the virus from your respiratory tract.
  • Reduces the inflammation caused by the infection.
  • Stimulates your immune system to produce antiviral compounds, known as interferons, that weaken the virus. Interferons also play a significant role in regulating immune responses.
  • Provides antiviral activity against viruses such as the Rhinovirus type 14, the Adenovirus type 5, Herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV), and the Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV).

Dual effect - antiviral & immune boosting


Fights off viral infections

Engystol® does this by increasing the number and activity of scavenger cells/phagocytes that remove the virus from your respiratory tract, which leads to a reduced inflammatory response. It shortens the duration of symptoms, helping you to enjoy an earlier recovery from colds.


A natural boost

Engystol® strengthens and supports the immune system during viral infection. By stimulating your immune system, Engystol® helps to produce antiviral compounds, known as interferons, that weaken the virus and also play a significant role in regulating immune responses.

What is a common cold and how does Engystol® work?

Boost your immune system with Engystol®

Say good-bye to cold viruses

Fights off flu-like infections and colds

For the whole family

Immune booster for your daily life

Want to know more about Engystol®?

Engystol® is an effective medicine that has been shown to have a dual mode of action that boosts your innate immune system and together with its antiviral activity, fights off flu-like infections and colds.

  1. Wronski S, Dannenmaier J, Schild S, et al. Engystol reduces onset of experimental respiratory syncytial virus-induced respiratory inflammation in mice by modulating macrophage phagocytic capacity. PLoS One 2018;13(4): e0195822. doi:10.1371.journal.pone.0195822
  2. Wagner H, Jurcic K, Doenicke A, Behrens N. Influence of Homeopathic Drug Preparations on the Phagocytosis Capabiblity of Granulocytes: In-vitro tests and controlled single-blind studies. Biol Ther. 1993;11(1):43-49.
  3. Enbergs H. Effects of the homeopathic preparation Engystol on interferon-gamma production by human T-lymphocytes. Immunol Invest. 2006;35(1):19-27. doi:10.1080/08820130500496753
  4. Roeska K, Seilheimer B. Antiviral activity of Engystol(R) and Gripp-Heel(R): an in-vitro assessment. J Immune Based Ther Vaccines. 2010;8(1):6. doi:10.1186/1476-8518-8-6
  5. Schmiedel V, Klein P. A complex homeopathic preparation for the symptomatic treatment of upper respiratory infections associated with the common cold: An observational study. Explore. 2006;2(2):109-114. doi:10.1016/jexplore.2005.12.008
  6. Torbicka E, Brzozowska-Binda A, Wilczynski J, Uzerowicz A. RSV infections in infants: therapy with a homeopathic preparation. Biomed Ther. 1998;16(4):256-260.
  7. Herzberger G, Weiser M. Homeopathic treatment of infections of various origins: a prospective study. Biomed Ther. 1997;15(4): 123-127.


Adults and children over 12:  In case of acute complaints, dissolve 1 tablet in your mouth every half an hour to a full hour, no more than 6 times a day.

Children 6-11: In case of acute complaints, take 2/3 of a tablet every half an hour to a full hour, no more than 6 times a day. Dissolve 1 tablet in approx. 150 ml of water. Give your child 2/3 of the amount and discard the rest.

Children 1-5: In case of acute complaints, take 1/2 of a tablet every half an hour to a full hour, no more than 6 times a day. Dissolve 1 tablet in approx. 150 ml of water. Give your child 1/2 of the amount and discard the rest.


Adults and children over 12: Dissolve 1 tablet 3x daily in your mouth.

Children 6-11: In case of chronic forms, take 2/3 of a tablet 1 to 3 times a day. Dissolve 1 tablet in approx. 150 ml of water. Give your child 2/3 of the amount and discard the rest.

Children 1-5: In case of chronic forms, take 1/2 of a tablet 1 to 3 times a day. Dissolve 1 tablet in approx. 150 ml of water. Give your child 1/2 of the amount and discard the rest.

Yes. Engystol® is a natural medicine without the side-effect profile of many synthetic cold medications. This makes Engystol® even suitable for children and elderly as well as at-risk groups such as asthmatic patients.

Yes. Engystol® can be taken with other medication. In another study with people with colds and flu-like infections, 75% of them using Engystol in combination with other medications (cough syrup, antibiotics, analgesics, vitamins and minerals) reported significant relief in their symptoms within 3 days, compared to 61.7% of people only using synthetic cold medications.